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Witchwood The Harvesting

Michel Savage        ISBN: 978-0-9719168-4-5     paperback:  280 pgs


Every day around the world hundreds of people go missing without a trace.  Year after year their numbers add up to Millions of lost souls who are never to be seen again: and their numbers keep climbing  â€‹

. . . this is where many of them went.

Based on a True Story

of Alien Abduction

NOTE TO READERS:   Abduction images noted on pg: 218, below.

Witchood the Harvesting Novel book cover by author Michel Savage

Paperback link

Witchood the Harvesting back cover by author Michel Savage

Kindle Version link

drawing of real alien encounter

( 1 ) Alien in house

alien abduction witness drawing of inside alien spacehip close encounters

( 2 ) Saucer Craft

Alien Abduction witness drawing of portal in bedroom green rip in space Witchwood the Harvesting

( 3 ) Portal in bedroom

Drawings 1986 - of close encounters in Tucson, Arizona. USA

Alien abduction witness sketch of key and physical triangle burn dots on hand

( 4 ) Triangle burn

and alien key

Witchwood the Harvesting by Michel Savage True tale of Alien Abduction novel

( 5 ) Implant and

gravitation device

alien symbol pf Devangari sanskrit meaning Communication

The main portion of this novel embodied decades of research from hundreds of alien abduction reports and witness interviews from across the globe, collected and combined into a sci-fi novel that fused their individual accounts.  The last section of this book contains "The Real Story"of the author's encounters and the message he was given.


​The actual beings encountered looked shockingly similar to the special-effects version of the creatures used in the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky, of note, the included sketches were made 7 years prior. They were not as flesh-colored and more subdued greyish tone, black eyes but not as exaggerated in size, and they moved slowly with bent knees and could stand much taller.  Forty years after being shown the unique emblem by these strange visitors and five years after the publication of this book, the author finally discovered the strange alien symbol he recalled from his encounter was exposed as a symobl in Devangari script from a 3500 yr old language, which, oddly enough, means: ' Communication '​

Authors Note

Movie Fact: The film's alien abduction scenes bear almost no resemblance to Walton's actual claims. Scriptwriter Tracy Tormé reported that executives found Walton's account boring, and insisted on the changes.

Real Alien Witchwood the Harvesting by Michel Savage
Alien from Fire in the Sky movie - realistic
Types of ufo uap alien space ships chart
Alien UFO ship 1974 Tucson Arizona silver antenna top

FX alien image

' Fire in the Sky '

© 1993 Paramount Pictures 

alien symbol pf Devangari sanskrit meaning Communication
alien face Witchwood the Harvesting author Michel Savage
Flying saucer alien UFO UAP with fat antenna on top

features of UFO craft encountered

Witchwood • The Harvesting • by Michel Savage © 2017  All Rights Reserved

Contact the Author

If have any questions or wish to submit your own encounter stories, they will be forwarded to the Author. 

Michel Savage considers podcast and radio interview invitations on this subject on an indivudal basis.

Feel free to forward your requests to the studio by message form below.

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