The Harvesting ISBN: 978-0-9719168-4-5 paperback: 280 pgs
Every day around the world hundreds of people go missing without a trace.
Year after year their numbers add up to Millions of lost souls who are never to be seen again: and their numbers keep climbing
...this is where many of them went.
$19.95 USD
Abduction images noted on pg: 218, below.
Contact the Author
Based on a True Story
of Alien Abduction
Image: 6.
The mysterious alien symbol they used to designate a contactee. Readers are invited to message the author to report if they have ever seen this image before.
UFO Saucer Craft ---->
This type of UFO is rarely captured, which consists of an exaggerated thick antenna at the top of the vehicle. Ranges around 20ft in diameter.
Elder Grey
A close resemblance of the creature seen here - also see the 1993 film
"FIRE IN THE SKY" were the creatures are more accurately depicted to the beings which were witnessed.
Witchwood • The Harvesting • by Michel Savage © 1986 My Vacation on Earth
All Rights Reserved